Aug 13, 2021 | Youth Capital Campaigners
Online activism is a form of activism that young people should take advantage of especially during the COVID-19 pandemic we currently living, as our movement and mass interaction are restricted as a result of lockdown regulations. Many people spend most of their day...
Jun 15, 2021 | In the news
I personally know that completing grade 12 is on the bucket list for most of us, but problems make this unattainable for many. Four out of 10 learners will drop out before reaching matric and, according to Youth Capital’s latest research, an average of...
May 7, 2021 | Resources, Youth Capital Influencer Programme
Applications for the 2021 Youth Capital Influencer Programme are open. Are you passionate about finding solutions to youth unemployment? Read more about the Programme and how you can join.
Jan 23, 2020 | Blog, Youth Capital Campaigners
Everybody agrees: youth unemployment rates in South Africa have stayed high for way too long. The issue is deeply rooted in the history and development of our country and we understand that it won’t be a quick one to solve. The real problem we face though is that...