We’re calling NSFAS to order – help us by sharing your experience of NSFAS here
sign up for the community
We’re a community of passionate people who believe that change can only be achieved, together. We’ll share research, insights, advocacy actions and ways to organise so you can start advocating for change in your communities, today!
Help us call nsfas to order!
NSFAS is costing young people their futures and their mental health. we are taking a stand on NSFAS, by urgently calling for the appointment of a new NSFAS Board and a clear plan for overcoming its current crises.
#Thethangeunemployment (let’s talk unemployment) is a conversation game that explores the issue of unemployment through personal experiences. Play the game or organise a game night with your friends and have the critical conversations that can drive action – ideal for 2-4 players.