‘One Million and Counting: The Presidential Employment Stimulus’ underscores the vital role of public employment programmes in addressing youth unemployment, while at the same time addressing the real needs of community. It also highlights the large impact the Stimulus has had in only three years through its coordination with multiple partners and a bottom-up approach, revitalising an economy battered by the lockdown and a society facing a complex mix of socio-economic challenges. The brief also puts forward recommendations to further strengthen and increase the impact of the Stimulus, by ensuring sustainable funding models, a focus on M&E, equitable access to training and strengthening and diversifying exit pathways.
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17 October 2023
Youth Capital turns the spotlight on some of the young people who were placed in schools as teacher’s assistants, and we asked them to share their experience in their own words. These stories, told in the assistants’ own words, are different in detail, but they all highlight how the short-term experience re-ignited their hopes, dreams and purpose for their future; and how the local economy was stimulated by the monthly stipends.
Tagged: public employment programmes