Youth Capital’s Project Lead Kristal Duncan-Williams was in conversation with Songezo Macebe on the SAfm The View Point on Wednesday the 4th March 2020.
Even though it’s almost a month post the State of the Nation Address (SONA) and the launch of the Presidential Youth Employment Intervention (PYEI), youth unemployment is still the centre of many conversations, and rightly so!
While the PYEI is a move in the right direction, Minister Tito Mboweni didn’t shine any light on youth unemployment in the recent Budget Speech on the 26th February 2020.
Given the complexity of the situation, it’s important to pinpoint all the main stumbling blocks young people face from the day they start Grade 1. Education, Transitions and Jobs are the main areas where action should be galvanized.
During the interview, Kristal mentioned the DGMT Pathways from School to Work, which can be downloaded here.
The Pathways from School to Work map is a visual presentation of the pathways through the educational system, from grade 9 onwards, into higher education or into the world of work. The post-school education landscape in South Africa is complex and learners and their parents often struggle to understand and compare the different options available to them. This map offers a birds-eye view of all the available options while providing the most important information that should guide decisions about educational or career trajectories.
Listen to the interview here.
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