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Igniting Entrepreneurship in TVET colleges.

Tebogo Bore

5 April 2022

Allan Gray Makers is on a mission to expose as many young people to entrepreneurship as possible in all 50 Technical and Vocation Education and Training colleges (TVETs) around the country. The inaugural National Entrepreneurship Inter-College aims to do just that!

What is the National Entrepreneurship Inter-College Challenge?

Endorsed by the Department of Higher Education and Training, the Entrepreneurship Inter-College is a national pitching competition that aims to foster a culture of entrepreneurship among TVET students. Students are invited to submit their business ideas, products or services and existing businesses to take part.

After registering and submitting their entries, students will first compete against their peers in their respective colleges, and the top students will then represent their college at the regional level.

The winners of the regional rounds will then qualify to participate in the national final of the Entrepreneurship Inter-College, and stand a chance to win a share of R100 000 in prize money for their business.

The competition provides a safe space to experiment with ideas for products or services, especially beneficial to students who intend to pursue innovation, product development and business-oriented careers. The practical experience of developing and pitching a business case for products or services with expert feedback facilitates entrepreneurial learning for all participating students.

What do past participants say about the National Entrepreneurship Inter-College Challenge?

One student who participated in the Eastern Cape Entrepreneurship Inter-college competition in 2021 reflected that through the competition they were able to gain experience with, ‘networking and meeting other entrepreneurs that might come in handy one day because a business does not operate alone it co-exists.’ Through a rigorous judging process, students also gained valuable advice from the judges while ‘interacting with like-minded people.’ Whether students ultimately choose employment or entrepreneurship as their chosen career path, having an entrepreneurial mindset is a crucial 21st century attribute.

If you are a student currently registered at one of the 50 TVET colleges nationwide, don’t miss this opportunity and submit your entry here for the Entrepreneurship Inter-College! Entries close on Friday, 22 April 2022

For more information, get in touch with Linda Dhladhla at