Jun 14, 2022 | In the news, Press
Being young in SA is an extreme sport. Because of the structural nature of unemployment, young peopleoften find themselves running in circles to find a job, with very little support. The work – and it is work – of getting hired requires time and resources,...
Sep 2, 2021 | Blog, Youth Capital Campaigners
It is inspiring to see young people use youth or school clubs as spaces where they brainstorm solutions to an issue and then take action. During an episode of our Instagram Series, Youth Activism Corner Instagram Live, Dimpho Lekgeu from Youthlab and I had a...
Jun 30, 2021 | In the news
Four out of every 10 South Africans are young people, aged between 15 and 34 years old. In acknowledgement of the unique needs and potential of this demographic, South Africa is one of 32 countries with an operational youth policy framework. In theory, this could...