Unlock public opportunities

Youth Capital advocates for ways to effectively support young people transition into the labour market by leveraging existing incentives.

Government-led schemes such as the Employment Tax Incentive (ETI), B-BBEE and the Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETA) were designed to open opportunities to young people. Making hese incentives more accessible for small businesses is one of the ways to unlock investment and economic productivity.

jobs unlock public opportunities​jobs unlock public opportunities​jobs unlock public opportunities​

the fact is

1 in 10

The number of small businesses that had accessed ETI


The number of small, micro and medium enterprises funded by the National Skills Fund for skills development in the 2021/22 fiscal year

8 in 10

Young people who try to re-write their matric outside of the school system

A challenge I often encounter is that many employers don’t recognise all experiences that young people have. This puts many of us who don’t have experience in the formal job sector at a disadvantage in getting jobs.

– Lindokuhle Msele



The Employment Tax Incentive launched in 2014, and renewed until 2029, aimed to address low youth employment by reducing the cost of hiring young workers. The latest research into its effects are still inconclusive on whether the significant investment into this incentive has led to job creation for young people. The United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research do an in-depth analysis here to unpack the effects across different sizes of firms.

What would it take to unlock public opportunities?

 Industry bodies are set up for all sectors, representative of both large and small businesses and have an engaged relationship with TVET, SETA and Quality Council For Trades & Occupations

A repurposing of the Employment Tax Incentive, to allow for easier access for SMMEs to lead to real job creation

Significantly reducing policy restrictions on informal trading

more from the action plan


#8 All Experience Must Matter




#7 Bridge the information gap